Dr. Asmir Gračanin

Asmir Gračanin is interested in the relationship between personality and social behaviour. His research is based mostly on evolutionary driven hypotheses. Specifically, it focuses on questions of how different personality traits affect our behaviour in the context of selection and retention of romantic partners, friends, and co-workers. In that regard, he especially started to focus on dimensions of dominance and prestige as important determinants of social behaviour, and well-being outcomes such as mood, relationship-satisfaction, and somatic health. Relatedly, his research also deals with different outcomes and correlates of habitual emotion-regulation and other personality features related to emotional processes and non-verbal communication. Specifically, he is interested in emotional crying and specific body positions and movements, and in that context, he explores both general mechanisms and individual differences. In his research, he relies on self-reports and direct measurement of behaviour and (autonomic) psychophysiology.

Primary Affilliation

Department of Psychology

University of Rijeka

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